
    L'Arbre Premium Spainish Gin from Tarragona 700ml

    L'Arbre Premium Spainish Gin from Tarragona 700ml
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    Tasting Notes by the Distillery: Gin L'Arbre is the result of the 63-year history of Teichenné Liquors, a company founded in Arboç (Tarragona). We have selected the main botanicals of the Mediterranean Penedès area and we have mixed them until finding the perfect formula for a unique gin to enjoy unique moments. An exceptional, balanced, aromatic, crystalline and fresh liquid that can be experienced not only at an organoleptic level. We also have wanted to take care of all the details involved in the bottle that would contain it, creating a minimalist design that, in addition to expressing simplicity, time, joy and radiance, also conveys a very important emotional part by using the tree shape. This captures the past, the foundations, the roots. The branches represent what is to come, the future. And, finally, all the experience lived and passed on over three generations is contained in the trunk. Size: 700ml ABV: 41% Origin: Spain