
    Church Road Chardonnay 750ml

    Church Road Chardonnay 750ml
    Special: $17.99
    Normally: $19.99
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    Ripe stone fruit characters are enhanced with attractive oak sweetness and subtle layers of complexity. Delicate handling has produced a palate which is refined and elegant, yet at the same time powerful and lingering. This elegant, yet powerful barrique-fermented Chardonnay is true to the Church Road style. Crafted using traditional winemaking techniques this premium, complex wine marries ripe, distinctive fruit characteristics with toasty oak sweetness. Aromas: Layers of stone fruit, melon and citrus, enhanced by a refined seam of toasty French oak and subtle layers of yeast complexity. Palate: Delicate handling of the ripe and concentrated fruit has produced a palate which exhibits both elegance and power with a lingering finish. The sweetness of the fruit and oak is balanced by a moderate level of acidity. Food matching suggestions The buttery, citrusy flavours of this wine are highlighted in dishes with creamy sauces and subtle lemon flavours.
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