
    Stoke IPA 6pk Cans 330ml

    Stoke IPA 6pk Cans 330ml
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    The history of India Pale Ale is a rich and vibrant one which began in England in the 1800s. Using premium hops from the Nelson region, including Pacific Gem, Cascade, Motueka and Styrian Golding, we've added our own chapter to that story, crafting a thirst-quenching ale perfect for warm summer's days. Our IPA is slanted more towards an english IPA than an american one. Bespoke yeast, 14,000 year-old Palaeo water and lightly toasted malt (no artificial additives or colouring) create a crisp, fruity taste with honey and citrus undertones. Tank conditioned over four weeks to enhance the smooth, caramel sweetness, our Stoke IPA has a touch of lightness to it but is a step up from our Pilsner in regards to the intensity of hops. ABV: