
    Macallan M Decanter 2023 Release Premium Scotch Whisky 700ml

    M is the iconic result of an unprecedented collaboration between three masters of their crafts who shared the same unique objective - to create the world's most sophisticated whisky contained in an exquisite, exclusively designed crystal decanter. A masterpiece of design, M is brought to conception by creative director and legendary designer Fabien Baron, brought to life by Lalique mastery of crystal and brought to purpose by The Macallan.
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    M is the iconic result of an unprecedented collaboration between three masters of their crafts who shared the same unique objective - to create the world's most sophisticated whisky contained in an exquisite, exclusively designed crystal decanter. A masterpiece of design, M is brought to conception by creative director and legendary designer Fabien Baron, brought to life by Lalique mastery of crystal and brought to purpose by The Macallan.
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