
    La Quintinye Vermouth Rouge 750ml

    La Quintinye Vermouth Rouge 750ml
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    Vermouth Royal rich & opulent created in the heart of the Charentais vineyard of France! Le Quintinye Vermouth Royal is a French vermouth with rich and opulent aromas developed from a unique blend of wines and Pineau des Charentes. Crowned with a bouquet of plants and spices, Le Quintinye Vermouth Royal is an enchanting addition to aperitifs and cocktails. Composed of an Extra Dry, a White and a Red, the range of La Quintinye Vermouth Royal is made from a blend of white wines, Pineau Blanc or Rouge, and a total of 37 aromatic plants. La Quintinye Vermouth Rouge 750ml Tasting Notes by the Winery: Made from a selection of 28 plants and spices along with a blend of white wines and Pineau des Charentes Rouges, La Quintinye Rouge releases a complex and sumptuous bouquet of aromas. With its notes of vanilla and spices, it is everlasting on the palate. Color: Deep red with intense brilliance. Nose: Balanced and powerful, revealing aromas of liquorice, plum, vanilla and chocolate notes. Palate: Rich and powerful with its caramelised, bitter vanilla and spiced notes that linger in the mouth. Size: 750ml ABV: 16.5% Origin: France